Thursday 24 March 2011

Poster For Tomorrow..3

Now that Ive got final ideas for " Poster For Tommorow" brief,
I feel there is still alot of room for development and improvement.
During class presentation last week I got some feeback on my work, which has giving me new ideas
on how I will approach it next, and which direction I should take my posters

This original image I designed is very childlike and soft,
Its almost like a chidlrens fantasy story book, so I thought why not try it out in
this style.

More development on my second poster:

I quite liked the use of the lens flare, I thought
that added a nice effect.

Tuesday 22 March 2011

Development On 2nd Poster

Started off with sketching up a few ideas, using mixed media: colours markers and paints to
give my desired effect. The idea I decided on was, simply children making there way to
school along this colourful path.

I tried messing around with different affects, adjusting the colour nd exposure,
You can also see I added in blacked spiral stems/crop thingys .It looks as though these children are coming from the darkness of poverty and slavery into the bright colourful path of hope education and
a brighter future, this is the image i'm looking to portray.

3rd image i manipulated, messed around with the colour and exposure aswell

I decided that the dark spiral stems were drainning the image
and I really wanted a nice childlike image with soft colours, something that would be
easy on the eye, so I decided to go with this image below.

My final POSTERS
Ive decided to upload both as I could not decide which one
I prefer, I'm really happy with my final result, I feel I have achieved the outcome
that I imagined. Although I do believe they could be developed further.


Development on Poster Design

During my development on poster design I tried out a few different ideas,
I drew up some sketches of ideas that I could use for my final poster. Heres a few
Examples for poster A:

I really want to take a modern approach for this
Poster Design, simply drawing it up with black marker firstly.
I think the idea behind this was the Tree of Life, the roots of the tree for me
represent the foundations of the world,how we grow together .The Tree of Life  indicates all walks of life connecting  together in   harmony . Also the Dove to me represents, freedom peace also cultural, I think this is a nice touch .

 This 2nd draft , I tried different background colours,
This was just to give me and insight of how I could bring this tree to life

Messing around with Second draft in Photoshop:
Manipulating the image, messing around with colour etc.:

Saturday 19 March 2011

The Right To Education/Research

Research on poster design: I really like poster
A very simplistic message/image that works so well.

I also like the typography in this poster.
It definately captures you in to read more.

Thats quite a cool message, love this poster.
A vintage style poster.

Sunday 6 March 2011

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Image Making/ Photoshop/C.D Cover ideas

Final idea: This idea is for Culture/front


This idea is for City/front
